
vrijdag, augustus 08, 2003

De 1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters, met leuke dingen als:

- Tuulan ja Tuulin tuulinen tuuli tuulee talvella täällä ja tuolla. (Fins; The windy wind of Tuula and Tuuli blows in the winter here and there.)

- Tertariw tetertariwen seletereterew, tetertariw betertariw bemeterteru teteratro tertariwen tereterew. (Amhaars; Since the suspector suspected the suspected, the suspected became suspicious of the suspector.)

- 2 Y's U R. 2 Y's U B. I C U R 2 Y's 4 me! (Too wise you are. Too wise you be. I see you are too wise for me!)

En nog veel meer.

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