
maandag, augustus 04, 2003

Tis warm... Tis komkommertijd... Dan worden gewone feiten plots Nieuws.

Girl, 15: I saw Great White Shark ... in Devon

A teenage girl believes she spotted a great white shark off the north Cornwall coast. And a shark conservation expert said 15-year-old Chaynee Hodgetts, from Birmingham could be right.
The youngster, who saw the creature through binoculars, is studying marine biology, and was able to give a detailed description of what she saw from Baggy Point, north Devon. She said the creature had a grey back and a black, ragged fin and a long conical snout. "I know it had teeth because I saw it with binoculars," she told Westcountry Live TV News programme. She said its feeding behaviour, biting and spitting out the fish and going back for them, to her "signifies a great white shark."
Shark expert Richard Pearce, who next week sets off from Padstow, north Cornwall, for a expedition to study great whites and other species in local waters, said the teenager had given an "extraordinary description. "As described, what she saw is highly likely to be a white shark," adding that UK water temperatures were well within the range of white sharks. "They have been possibly coming here for hundreds of years," said Mr Pearce who added: "I would not expect anyone to start getting bitten." He said his research had convinced him that great whites were "vagrant visitors to these shores."

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