
zondag, november 16, 2008

Parlementariër laat Duitse Wikipedia afsluiten

BERLIJN- De Duitse parlementariër Lutz Heilmann heeft per kort geding de homepage van de Duitstalige versie van Wikipedia laten afsluiten. Dit meldden Duitse media zaterdag.
Heilmann werkte ten tijde van de communistische DDR voor de geheime dienst en heeft na de val van de Berlijnse Muur geprobeerd dat te verbergen, aldus de vermelding in Wikipedia. Het Bondsdaglid van de partij Die Linke vindt die publicatie 'illegaal'.
De advocaat van de Duitse Wikipedia-vereniging daarentegen vindt het "buiten proportie" om daarom de hele internetencyclopedie te laten afsluiten.
Via een omweg over de Amerikaanse homepage van Wikipedia is de gewraakte informatie trouwens nog wel toegankelijk in Duitsland.

En wat staat er nou helemaal?

"Lutz Heilmann (born September 7, 1966 in Zittau, Germany) is a member of the German Parliament, the Bundestag, for the far left party Die Linke. Following his election in 2005, strong controversy erupted when it was revealed by the magazine Der Spiegel that he had worked for the Stasi (the East German secret service) from 1985 to 1990. Heilmann only left Stasi after it was dissolved following the fall of the communist regime. Heilmann narrowly survived an impeachment by the party electorate following his untruthfulness about his Stasi career prior to becoming MP."
"Heilmann is the only official full-time Stasi employee to be elected MP to the Bundestag (although several other Die Linke politicians have been "unofficial" Stasi informants)."

En natuurlijk dit, wat me veel kwalijker lijkt:

"Legal proceedings against Wikimedia Deutschland
On November 13, 2008, Heilmann pressed charges against Wikimedia Deutschland e.V., causing a preliminary injunction which bars the internet address (which is controlled by Wikimedia Deutschland) from linking to (controlled by the U.S.-based Wikimedia Foundation) as long as certain information about him is included in the German Wikipedia in the article Lutz Heilmann. He also took legal action against three Wikipedia users who had worked on the article. According to Focus Online, Heilmann objected to claims that he had not completed his university degree, and that he had participated in a business venture involving pornography. The report also suggests that the Wikipedia article had been repeatedly altered in line with his claims by an anonymous user operating within the Bundestag building, but Heilmann denied having been involved in an edit war."

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